I made Andrea get out of bed and took her out for soup this evening. We tried to go to Domenico's for French Onion but they were closed for the holiday. Could Filippo work any less? We ended up at Panera. She got through a bowl of soup without throwing up which is more than I can say for dinner last night. No pukes today but she has been attacked by the poopie monster. I went and got her some Ginger pills at the pharmacy today to see if that helps and she is wearing something called Sea Bands. They are sweat bands for your wrists that have a ball that pushes on some pressure point that is supposed to help. We are basically trying everything we find on the internet. If she does not feel better by tomorrow we are going to sacrifice a squirrel. We read about it on http://www.pregnancyvoodoo.com/. I wonder how many of you will go see if that is a real site. When we left Panera I asked her if she wanted to go anywhere else. She said back to bed. Even if Kohl's was having a buy one get three free sale she would not go. Now that is sick! We are going to the Dr. tomorrow for an ultrasound. I can't wait to see those little hearts beating away.
Petey could help you out. He is supposed to hunt squirrels, but he isn't very good at it.