Thursday, May 7, 2009

The "F" word

My mother hates it when I use the "F" word. No not that one, the other one. I don't want to say it here. There is nothing like a 38 year old man getting scolded by his mother. You know the one that rhymes with "tart". I guess I will refer to it as "tart". I have said before that Andrea has had a few issues medically with the pregnancy so far. She has been bloated, tired, occasionally emotional and unfortunately a bit gassy. So there we are watching the Penguin game the other night in bed and she fires one off. Now I have been known to play a game of "tent monster" in bed before. You know that one, where you "tart" and pull the covers over her head. Well, she is enjoying getting me back for 10 years of this game now. So there she is tartin away which makes her start to giggle. The giggling then causes her to tart again which she finds even more funny causing her to giggle even harder. You see where this is going. Now we are in what seems like an endless cycle that is not going to end well for me. I want to get mad but I am already in love with the source. Well, maybe not the source but definately the cause. Oh well, this too shall "pass".


  1. I don't even know what to say through my tears of laughter...I just think it's funny that she gets some revenge! :) Hahah!!!

  2. this is the funniest thing i have read in ages! you need to compile all this into a your bro! i just found your site thru his...thru a comment left on rob fuelle's 'fighting back' blog. funny huh? anyway, you are HYSTERICAL!!

    God bless you and your babes!
    gotta go keep reading...
