Andrea is sick about every day now, she is unable to fall asleep at night and is often up until 2-3am and she is very busy at work. She got 5 new claims on Friday alone. She is not complaining but she is not necessarily very happy. So knowing all this, when my friend Stacy called me Friday to tell me that Seven Fields was having a big garage sale and there was lots of kid stuff out I thought I would do a drive by. I was headed that way to see a customer anyways, maybe I can find something at a great deal. nothing seems to make Andrea smile like baby stuff these days. I was on the bargain hunt and with a mentor like Andrea training me over the years these Seven Fields sellers did not have a prayer. My eagle eyes spotted 2 baby gates from the road. I pulled in and walked down the driveway trying to look as uninterested as possible. I did not go up the the gates at first, I walked around a bit looking unimpressed. You gotta know how to play the game. These are skills I learned in the straw markets of Mexico and they were about to pay off. I strolled up to the gates and picked one up, they were fairly new and I was sure they were perfect. They said $15 each. I had no idea what these things cost new but I am sure much more than this. The owner walked up and told me that he paid $30 each for them at Lowes last year. I offered him $20 for both and he countered at $25. At $60 last year add 5% increase in cost since then and 6% sales tax I would now pay $66.78 for these and settled on $25. Carrying them back to my car I was proud of my work and could not wait to show them to Andrea. Now came my disappointment. First I was told that our friend Maria had bought 3 baby gates at a garage sale just weeks ago for $10. That's $10 for all 3. I was then told that they were the wrong kind. We needed gates that had a door attached so you don't have to climb over them to get up or down the steps. Apparently there is more than one kind of gate made and I bought the wrong kind. I was then informed that my thinking for myself privileges were being revoked and all baby related purchases would need prior authorization from Andrea. I have attached the picture of the gates. I am accepting offers.
They may be used for the next set of raccoons or possums or skunks that Andrea will bring home. You always want to separate wildlife from children so don't give up on the gates quite yet.