Monday, May 4, 2009


Ok, I have had about 5 hours to let this all sink in a bit. Nothing about this should surprise me. Andrea is CHEAP! I guess a nicer way would be to say she is thrifty. Some of her trips to Kohls are legendary. I have seen multiple women sitting around Andrea as she tells tales of her conquests at the checkout line. How she would find an article of clothing that she already owns on the clearance rack in the super discount aisle and how she would use a 40% coupon on double coupon Thursday and when all was said and done she would leave with a $50 sweater and Kohls paid her $1.89 to take it off their hands. I have watched in amazement as all the hens line up to learn from the master. So I guess if anyone could come up with a "buy one get one" coupon for IVF it would be my wife. I guess I should consider myself lucky. It could have been a "get 3 for 30k" coupon.


  1. If a picture is worth a thousand words... you may want to pray for a thousand more. your kids look like an owl or a ghost (says Natalie). Much congrats on the buy one get one. Very exciting as now you get twice the poo and twice the food cost. Oh yeah, blame Kyleigh as she prayed for twins.

  2. Wow the kids look so much like you and Andrea!!!!
    That is amazing
