Thursday, January 14, 2010

So Sleepy

Andrea is currently unconscious at 6pm. She very well may be there in bed until about noon tomorrow. The girls terrorized us last night. Andrea got peed on twice, I had one do a beautiful 3 foot vomit stream past my head at 4am and they did not do much in the way of sleeping. We shipped them off to their weekly visit with grandma and grandpa to get us one night of sleep. I hope they don't destroy my parents tonight but I don't hold much hope for that. I am off to work on a project for my job and I am not far from bed also. Sleep well Andrea, you deserve it.


  1. I woke up MISSING THEM!!!!

  2. I think mommy and daddy tell fibs about us. We are precious because my grandpa tells us so all the time. Reagan & Riley
