Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Labs are idiots!

Yesterday I had a long day and did not get home till about 9pm. Andrea was left to care for R&R by herself for most of the day. Our neighbor/friend Adam is deployed for a few months and was home for a quick visit. Our friends Doug and Lisa came over to help Andrea get the girls packed up to head next door for a visit with Adam as he was only home for 2 days. Now let me explain my dog Boo. He is an idiot. He is the best dog when you are home but as many labs do, he gets serious separation anxiety when you go out. Especially when he knows that you did not leave in the car. If he thinks you are in the neighborhood he loses his mind. He thinks that he should be allowed to go and gets all stressed out. I somewhat understand this but what confuses me is what is gained by breaking into the dirty diaper can and spreading dirty pee and poop filled diapers around the living room. Andrea, Doug and Lisa came home to find a living room that appeared to have a diaper bomb that had gone off and a guilty lab hiding under the table. Doug and Lisa stuck around and helped feed the girls and clean up and then met me at their house to give me their carpet cleaner. After a 14 hour day it was the last thing I wanted to be doing but Andrea said the smell was a bit offensive and for her to say that while living with me made me believe her. Thanks Doug and Lisa and thanks to my great wife and supermom for taking it all in stride.

1 comment:

  1. DOC would never do anything like this. Trade BOO in on a new model. We miss our pecious girls but know they are in good hands. Grandpa will be there on Thursday. Bless you all, Love MOM
