Tuesday, January 12, 2010

One month and almost all is well.

Grandma and Grandpa stopped by last evening with 2 cupcakes to celebrate the girls one month birthday. We celebrated it by taking them to the Dr. Reagan was up to 7#2 oz and Riley was up to 9# 7 oz. They were very happy with the weight gain and all checked out well. It is currently 4am though so all happiness has ended. Later today I will begin my hunt for the Sandman and I am going to knock his teeth in. Riley is mad, I am not sure at what but she is definitely mad. Andrea has been up and down so many times tonight that her belly was hurting from her C- Section so pops is in the game. This should make for another nice short day for me.


  1. Reagan was 8 lbs 2 oz, not 7 lbs 2 oz but you were blogging at 4am so I'll give you a pass .... :-)

  2. I hate to be the one to tell you this at your age but the sandman is not real.

  3. I think you are telling stories.
    Simply said THEY ARE PRECIOUS

