Hey we got something going here! We are at a week with very improved sleeping patterns. They even went to my parents house on Wednesday and did pretty good over there also. It is currently 7:20am Saturday morning. We fed them at 9pm last night, put them down at 10pm. Andrea fed Reagan at 5:30am and then she went back down. Riley has been down since 10pm and I am up and waiting for them to get up. The wake up is my favorite time of day with them. They are in such good moods when they first get up in the morning. They talk and smile bigger than any other time of the day. My dad commented on Reagan smiling and talking in the morning when they stayed over. I kinda expected him to show up for some unrelated reason every morning at about 7am to experience the daily "cooathon". When mom and dad returned them Thursday evening I was not sure I was going to get mom out of the house. I could tell she had lots of fun with them for the day and she had not been able to spend much time with them in about 6 weeks. Andrea took them out for a little road trip yesterday by herself and we are going to try to take them to church tonight. Twins at this age are still a full time plus job for both of us and then some but it gets alot easier if you can get some sleep. Our social life, sleep patterns, savings account, work productivity and house organization have all suffered but we sure are having a good time. It is amazing how one well placed coo or smile can erase an hour of crying and diaper changing.
congratulations on the marked improvement - on the babies that is not the savings account and social life. Remember... let them buy their own batteries and really teach them a lesson.