Thursday, March 18, 2010

Crisis Averted

Yesterday morning Andrea had plans to go to the mall to have the girls pictures taken with the Easter Bunny. She was a little sleep deprived since the girls both decided that the night before was a good time to revert into their old ways. She had a lot to do to get them ready. After all they needed to be fed, cleaned, changed into something pretty, and off to the mall. The intention was ( and trust me, this was planned, practised, talked about, scheduled, etc. ) to have them in their pretty pretty pink outfits with the built in ballerina slippers and wearing their bunny ears that Miss Patti from across the street got for them. Now mind you, I was not here to witness the following events so I am just relaying what happened as it was told to me by a busy stressed out momma. Andrea was upstairs working on getting the girls ready and she had to come downstairs to get something. That's when it happened, the end of the world as we know it. There he was, the idiot black lab laying on the floor eating the bunny ears. What to do, call 911, panic, call me to come home and kill the dog? All were valid options at the time. She quickly finished dressing the girls, minus the bunny ears of course and ran from door to door in the cull de sac like a Jehovah's Witness with a confusion on what it takes to get into heaven. At the third house she located a back up set of ears. Crisis averted! She loaded up and off to the mall she went. I had a meeting in Ross Township so I met her there to watch the magic. We had a great time and as you can see the girls were not that impressed. Can't wait to meet Santa.

1 comment:

  1. My grandaughters(I am blessed with 3 of them) rock.

    Grandpa Gregg
