Thursday, March 11, 2010

TNT ( toenail teaspoon )

There are a few things that I would rather have Andrea do. One is give baths, they get all slippery and squirmy. The other one is cut fingernails and toenails. Andrea has been cutting their fingernails for months but they have not needed to have their toenails cut until now. While I was at work today she cut Rileys toenails and thought that I would want to see them. So what to do with very little tiny toenail trimmings. She thought she would put them in a teaspoon and sit it on the kitchen counter until I got home. Why a teaspoon you ask, actually, I have no idea. I guess she just figured that they were so small and they would be easy to see and not lose there. Fast forward to several hours later when I get home. They were fired up so I went to fix bottles. 5 ozs of water, 2.5 scoops of formula and 4 teaspoons of rice cereal. Yup, 4 teaspoons of rice cereal. It was later that we realised that I had used the "toenail teaspoon" to make the bottles. Did the toenails make it into the formula? No one really knows but it is a definite possibility.


  1. Those girls are not supposed to have real food yet let alone toe nails. I could think of something more appetizing to start them out with. We enjoyed having them over night on Friday. What a nice way to spend an evening in front of the fire with our grand babies. They are changing and it is wonderful to watch their every accomplishment. We love them so much. MOM

  2. Hey Big Sexy,
    Until 10 minutes ago, I was thinking of trimming my wife's toenails because she is feeling under to weather. After reading your blog, I have fears that they could make it into my beer!! It would be liking choking on the bone from a great white shark. Thanks, now I will take the risk of a freddy crougering as I sleep.

    Little bird
