Thursday, December 10, 2009

Tax deductions, here I come.

We did the Amniocentesis today and while it was not a pleasant experience Andrea got through it well. The procedure was not as bad as we thought it would be but the cramping afterwards for several hours was painful. We left the house at about 8am and got her home at noon. That was a long 4 hours and it wiped her out. We got the results back and the official word is that I am gonna be a daddy tomorrow. The girls lungs were done baking so at 1:30 the fun starts. We have to be there at 11:30 and the prep stuff starts. At some point Andrea will be taken from me and to the operating room. They will do the spinal, IV, cath her and then I will be allowed into the room. I think it best that as I enter the room that I inform the 15 or so people that will be there that I have every intention on crying like a little girl when I see my little girls. I am at a place in my life that I can admit that occasionally I am a cryer. I remember one time when I was searching a house for a trapped child in a structure fire. I looked and looked but was beaten back by the flames several times. After I had been outside several minutes and I had accepted the fact that the child was in the room that was still on fire and was surely dead I looked up and one of my partners was carrying the 6 yr old boy out unharmed. He had been hiding on a different floor behind a couch the whole time. The emotions that came over me were uncontrollable and I sat in the yard and cried in front of all my fellow fire fighters and EMS people. I have news for you, I was not the only one crying. One of my not so proud moments was when Andrea caught me crying while watching Extreme Home Makeover on TV. I may never live that one down. Andrea is also convinced that I cried at our wedding but I still stick to my story that I had something in my eye. My point is that real men do cry and I have every intention on proving it tomorrow.

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