Well, we are getting close to the day that we have been waiting for for about 5 years and all of a sudden it is sinking in that things are about to change in a big way. Last night I held my neighbors 10 week old Cameron for about an hour or so and I loved every minute of it. I had it easy though as I knew if she started to cry, had a diaper blow out or was hungry that momma Maria would swoop in and deal with whatever the need was. All I had to do was the fun stuff. Cameron and I talked, played peek a boo and I beat her in 5 out of 5 staring contests. She then took a nap and I was done. How different will it be when Andrea and I are responsible for the crying, diaper changes, feeding, etc? Especially during the first 2-3 weeks when we don't know what we are doing and I will be a lot busier with Andrea recovering from the surgery. Oh, and by the way, double the babies. I would not say I am concerned as much as terrified. When my friend Adam went off to the Air Force survival training school for 3 weeks I told him that lesser men than him had been there, done that and did just fine. I guess I need to take my own advice and know that we will figure it out as we go and it will be fine in the end. Andrea continues to be pretty uncomfortable and not sleeping well but I think she sees the light at the end of the tunnel. I just wonder what is on the other side of that tunnel.
I see the light. At the other side of the tunnel is mixed emotions, love, joy, excitement along with sadness, concern and being weary. It is all worth it. You are already further along with figuring it out than dad and I as we were 15 years younger than you. You both will be fantastic parents. As always I love all of you.