Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Eve

Things have been very busy at the Gregg house. Andrea continues to improve and is venturing off the pain meds today. Things went fairly well last night. We fed them at 10pm and put them down at 11pm. We got up and fed them at 2am and they went back to sleep quickly. Andrea got up and fed them both at 5:45am and I slept. They got a little mad at 6:45 and I got up with them. It is now 8am and I am now on duty and will let Andrea sleep as long as she can. Andrea and I have been a great team but I expected nothing less. She needed out of the house last evening so we ventured off to Target for an hour while my mom and dad watched the girls. Andrea always thinks it is funny when I get peed on while changing a diaper. She got paid back by Reagan last night as she got peed on and sprayed with a "poop fountain". That was her description of the event, not mine. I have quickly learned that you can not reason with an infant. I keep telling R&R, if you are happy when binky is in your mouth and you are sad when it falls out, why do you keep dropping it? They don't seem to learn though. Riley is very often silenced with a binky ( a pacifier for you non parents ) and Reagan is silenced about 80% of the time if I sing the mamamamama song that I wrote. Lastly, just a quick note to the inventor of the binky, bouncy seat and motorized swing, thanks! You are my hero!

1 comment:

  1. You are so blessed. They are beautiful. Enjoy the process. Love, mom
