Monday, June 15, 2009

CVS Sucks

Time for me to vent a bit. I got Andrea's new medicine filled last week at CVS. At the time it was only filled for 9 pills. I did not ask why at the time, just didn't catch it. You can take up to 3 pills per day. She has averaged only one though. I went to get the prescription refilled today and found out that the reason she only got 9 pills is that Blue Cross will only pay for 9 pills every 25 days. I asked how much they would be to buy without insurance and they were $166 for another 9 pills. This medicine is used for cancer patients on Chemotherapy and sick preggos. So let me start by saying shame on you Blue Cross for only paying for 9 pills for 25 days. That means that if someone were to take 3 pills a day it would cost them over $1,200 for 25 days. I told the pharmacist that I did not want the prescription filled yet. We would of course pay if we had to but I thought I should make a few calls first. I called Walmart to see how much they were there. Same prescription, 9 pills- $36. That is $130 less or over $14 less per pill. CVS is robbing cancer patients and pregnant women. Hey CVS, wanna go out to the dog park and kick puppies? Or maybe we could go to a Bingo game and trip old ladies. Oh, I know why not send pictures of food to starving children in Africa. I wonder if CVS stands for "Consistently Victimizing Shoppers"?

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