One of the downsides of your friends having kids and you not having any is that you never get to see them. We used to see our friends Russ and Darci all the time. Then Dominick joined the family. We do not get to see them much anymore but did last night. They were on a Cranberry Walmart run and stopped by the house. It was great to see them and even more to see Dominick and see how big he is getting. Even more important than seeing them though was the lessons I learned last night watching Dominick. They were in our basement for an hour. Out of that 60 minutes Russ chased Dominick for about 54 of those 60 minutes. First lesson learned is with 2 on the way we had better be ready to do alot of chasing. Darci started a blog a few months ago on this website called "chasingdominick". It is now clear why she named it what she did. The second lesson I learned is that a 22 month old MUST touch everything in the house that he can get to. Andrea and I quickly realised that our house is not childproof at all. Between Darci telling him "that's not yours" and Russ moving quicker than I thought he could Dominick made it out safe but we have alot of house clearing to do. I used to say that raising a kid could not be much harder than training a Labrador Retriever puppy. I may be rethinking that though. At no time did I see Russ using a shock collar, rolled up news paper or a crate.
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