In early January the girls were doing everything they could to try to kill us. We were getting no sleep and I knew that at some point we would need a break. I booked a cruise for Andrea and I for last week. It seemed like a good idea at the time but as we were getting closer to the time to leave we started second guessing our decision. How would we be able to leave the girls for 8 days. Not that we did not love them lots in January but they kinda grew on us over the months. As the date got closer we were seriously considering cancelling the trip. If we had not booked it with friends of ours from St. Louis I think we may have. Last Friday we got on a train to NYC. We had a nice time just being together and being able to talk for 9 hours. We had spent the last 4 months together but really not able to do anything but baby stuff. We went out to dinner Friday night in Times Square, as it turns out we were standing 100 feet from where the car bomb was last night. Saturday we got on the boat and went to Port Canaveral and Nassau. We were to go to their private island but it was cancelled for some reason. We were only able to call my parents on the day we were in Orlando but we e-mailed them daily. We got back to NYC Saturday morning and back in Pittsburgh last night at about 8pm. We were way ready to see R&R. They look like they grew a bunch while we were gone and while my parents did an awesome job watching them I know they were ready for a good nights sleep. The girls got us back in the groove of normal life quickly with Reagan getting Andrea up at 2am and both of them getting us both up this morning at 6am. Reagan pooped and peed on me today and Riley puked on me and boy did I love every minute of it. It is great to be home.
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