Tuesday, May 11, 2010

5 months

Five months ago today Reagan and Riley met the world. Last night to celebrate their 5 month birthday they slept all night for the fifth night in a row. They have been going to bed between 7-8pm and getting up between 6:30 and 7:30am. What a difference in our quality of life. Andrea and I got a present today also. After relentless calling to our Dr. on my part we got the results back for Andrea's biopsy that we were looking for. The thyroid nodules are not cancerous. She has to go to the Dr. in about 10 days and talk about what they want to do but this is a big step in the right direction. On to further baby news. We have started trying to feed the girls cereal from a spoon and while it is not going as well as I expected Andrea assures me that this is normal. Riley at first thought the spoon was trying to kill her and she shrieked with terror. As you can see in the video, Reagan has not mastered the concept yet either.


  1. Hah, I love the video and they just keep getting cuter. Great news on the non-cancer diagnosis so now you can actually take advantage of those girls sleeping and get some yourself.

  2. They want a reuben sandwich.They are just toooooooooooooooo cute


  3. I love the looks on their faces. What are you doing to them? Forget about the reubens. How about french friens with rance dressing. I am ashamed to say that is my favorite food but I won't tell them. Grandma
