It has been a long weekend with both girls and I recovering from a cold that Andrea was kind enough to share with us. The girls have been getting up overnight several times so we have been sleeping as much as we can when we can for the last few days. Yesterday morning I was up at about 8am feeding Reagan while Riley was rolling around the ground and Andrea was in bed catching up after the girls ran her hard overnight. I was sitting in my recliner feeding Reagan and Riley worked her way under the recliner so I could not lower the legs to get up. Since I was holding Reagan I was stuck. I had to yell up and wake Andrea to come remove Riley so I could move. I used my phone to take a picture of Riley to confirm where she was at. That is the picture above.
Monday, May 31, 2010
It has been a long weekend with both girls and I recovering from a cold that Andrea was kind enough to share with us. The girls have been getting up overnight several times so we have been sleeping as much as we can when we can for the last few days. Yesterday morning I was up at about 8am feeding Reagan while Riley was rolling around the ground and Andrea was in bed catching up after the girls ran her hard overnight. I was sitting in my recliner feeding Reagan and Riley worked her way under the recliner so I could not lower the legs to get up. Since I was holding Reagan I was stuck. I had to yell up and wake Andrea to come remove Riley so I could move. I used my phone to take a picture of Riley to confirm where she was at. That is the picture above.
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Riley thinks momma is funny.
It is 7am and I think I am in for a day. I am up with the girls because Andrea was up with them twice last night. Unfortunately for me I now have the cold that the girls have also. Both girls are feeling a bit better but still real snotty and congested. Check out the video we took yesterday.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Andrea has always had a good work ethic. I say that it is because I raised her from a pup. I married her young enough that I was able to train her. She always worked hard and did whatever she could to bring $ into the house. Now that her full time and then some job is raising my beautiful baby girls she no longer contributes financially to the cause. In no way am I complaining. I would not have it any other way. What she can do to contribute is to be an informed value shopper. I have said before that she is maybe not "cheap" but at the least "very thrifty". This has been proven by her recent purchase at Kohl's. As you can see from the receipt she purchased $78.00 for under $1.00 for a total savings of $77.01 or about 98.2%. I guess she really does not want to go back to work anytime soon.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Reagan laughing
Those little girls continue to get cuter and more fun. They both have colds but not that bad. This video is of Reagan being tickled by momma. They have been going to bed every night before 8pm and get up at about 4-5am to eat. Sometimes they go back down for a bit, sometimes not. It would be nice if they slept in a little longer but we will take what we can get. Reagan rolled over for the first time in a month yesterday and then again this morning. Riley rolls around the floor like a top and is not far from crawling. We took Riley to the Dr. today for a quick check up as she was breathing a bit hard from her cold and after our visit to Children's Hospital a few months ago we were a bit concerned. It turned out that all she had was a cold with a side of "new parent syndrome". She is fine.
Friday, May 21, 2010
Batchin it
Andrea has been gone with my girls since Sunday and I sure do miss everyone. They are on the road now coming back to me. I hope the girls don't give her too hard of a ride back. They are stopping in Wythville VA tonight and will be home tomorrow afternoon. Boo and I have been bachelors for a week and it is getting old. Tonight we went swimming at Doug and Lisa's house. Check out the video of Boo and Bella.
Friday, May 14, 2010
Reagan attempting to eat Peas
Rice Cereal is not loved by the girls so we thought we would move on to some tasty tasty peas. That did not go so well either. You would think that my daughters would excel at eating.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
5 months
Five months ago today Reagan and Riley met the world. Last night to celebrate their 5 month birthday they slept all night for the fifth night in a row. They have been going to bed between 7-8pm and getting up between 6:30 and 7:30am. What a difference in our quality of life. Andrea and I got a present today also. After relentless calling to our Dr. on my part we got the results back for Andrea's biopsy that we were looking for. The thyroid nodules are not cancerous. She has to go to the Dr. in about 10 days and talk about what they want to do but this is a big step in the right direction. On to further baby news. We have started trying to feed the girls cereal from a spoon and while it is not going as well as I expected Andrea assures me that this is normal. Riley at first thought the spoon was trying to kill her and she shrieked with terror. As you can see in the video, Reagan has not mastered the concept yet either.
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Our first Mothers Day
It has been a busy week as I started back to work and Andrea was back to flying solo more often. She had a biopsy done on Monday checking 4 nodules that are growing on her thyroid. The results are not back yet but we expect to hear word in the next few days as to what is going on. She had to have 11 needles stuck in her neck so it was not a fun experience. The girls are excited to share their first mothers day with their momma and as a gift to her they both slept through the night the last 3 nights. They went down each night between 8 and 8:30pm and slept to 7am each day. This has been the best gift they could have given her. Monday after Andrea's procedure I got up with them overnight so Andrea could sleep. It was a rude reminder of what she goes through every night at 3-4am. Yesterday we loaded the girls and Boo up and headed to Columbus for a birthday party for the girls cousin Trenton. They did great in the car for a total of 8 hours. Andrea will be taking the girls to Myrtle Beach next Sunday with her family so wish her and her Grandmother luck as the go 10 hours in the car each way. Be praying for Andrea's results this week and I want to give a big attagirls to all the mommys out there. I have the best one here caring for my girls but you all do a great job also. You just can't be #1. Andrea already has that one all locked up.
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Mommy and Daddy time

In early January the girls were doing everything they could to try to kill us. We were getting no sleep and I knew that at some point we would need a break. I booked a cruise for Andrea and I for last week. It seemed like a good idea at the time but as we were getting closer to the time to leave we started second guessing our decision. How would we be able to leave the girls for 8 days. Not that we did not love them lots in January but they kinda grew on us over the months. As the date got closer we were seriously considering cancelling the trip. If we had not booked it with friends of ours from St. Louis I think we may have. Last Friday we got on a train to NYC. We had a nice time just being together and being able to talk for 9 hours. We had spent the last 4 months together but really not able to do anything but baby stuff. We went out to dinner Friday night in Times Square, as it turns out we were standing 100 feet from where the car bomb was last night. Saturday we got on the boat and went to Port Canaveral and Nassau. We were to go to their private island but it was cancelled for some reason. We were only able to call my parents on the day we were in Orlando but we e-mailed them daily. We got back to NYC Saturday morning and back in Pittsburgh last night at about 8pm. We were way ready to see R&R. They look like they grew a bunch while we were gone and while my parents did an awesome job watching them I know they were ready for a good nights sleep. The girls got us back in the groove of normal life quickly with Reagan getting Andrea up at 2am and both of them getting us both up this morning at 6am. Reagan pooped and peed on me today and Riley puked on me and boy did I love every minute of it. It is great to be home.
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