Friday, February 5, 2010

The Perfect Storm

In a previous EMS life I can remember several calls where I showed up and had way more to handle than I could ever do myself. Times where I was with one other person and had multiple critical victims at a car crash or one time I showed up at a high school that had 30 patients show up at one time from a pepper spraying incident in the cafeteria at lunch time or the time that I got a 911 call asking my how many ambulances I could come up with immediately as a tornado had just hit Mt Washington. What I remember was that I did not get stressed out. I am pretty good at handling the big incident without losing it. I am a good multitasker. My skills were put to the test last evening. Working on 5 hours sleep the night before and with a cold I sent Andrea to WalMart for some things. As soon as she left it happened, the perfect storm encompassed my house. We had multiple pukes, multiple pees, multiple poops. Riley was angry, I am not sure at what but I think it was either the fiscal irresponsibility of the Democratic party or the DOW dropping over 200 points and Reagan was fairly convinced that she was never going to eat again. In the middle of it the dog had to go out and I got one call from a customer and one from Andrea upset that she had lost her cart at WalMart. I am still not sure how that one happened. We weathered the storm and got through it but it does make me long for days when the mass casualty incident was the most stressful part of my day.


  1. There is a silver lining - in the real perfect storm 6 men never came back. Do you feel better now?

  2. Enjoy the process
    They are special !!!!!
    They are precious !!!!
    They are awesome !!!!
    They are Cute!!!!
    They are my Grandaughters
    Does it get any better, I think not!!!!

