Monday, February 15, 2010

Back to the E.D.

So I have decided this parenthood thing may be a little more than we thought. We went back to the E.D. last night at about midnight for Riley and were quickly sent by ambulance to Childrens Hospital for admission for pneumonia. Riley was in some moderate distress and they were afraid that she would crash at some point so Andrea rode with her in the ambulance and I followed. It started with Andrea waking me after a very restful 1 hour of sleep and we decided it was time to go in. I called my dad to come over and watch Reagan. It is a 20 minute ride so just as I thought 22 minutes later he was walking through the door. Riley is doing ok now at 1:30pm but still struggling to breathe. She is not a fan of being suctioned, x-rays and especially IV's. I know she will be fine in the end but it is hard to see her suffer until we get there. Andrea is currently sleeping on the floor on a pull out couch thing and Riley is out for a bit also. They have confirmed the pneumonia and are treating with antibiotics. She is currently on oxygen also and the last time we tried to take it off her it didn't go well. This will get better but her oxygen sats dropped into the mid 80's. Perfect is 100%. She is doing well on the O2 now at 98%. More updates to follow as I get time.


  1. Stay strong bro... it's never easy but us Gregg's have some experience with hospitals and ER's. It's not easy to see them hurting but the good news is she'll never remember this...that's a bonus. Try and get some rest - ya'll have to take care of yourselves in order to care for those little ones.

  2. I thought the hardest job in the world was being a mother but I think I changed my mind, it is being a grand mother. I hurt for Riley and the two of you also. Riley will not remember these trips but you will as I can attest to it. Praying for all of you. Much love, mom
