Friday I took Miss Riley to the Dr for a post Pneumonia check up and to get her 2 month immunizations that we missed with her being sick. All was good and she was cleared to return to normal activity. She weighed 12lbs 12ozs so she is getting ready to make a run at her buddy next door Cameron that checked in at over 17lbs at her Dr visit this week. There must be something in this Cranberry Twp water that grows em big. Reagan and Riley are both felling better. Rileys acid reflux is improving with the Zantac. Reagan has still been trying to kill Andrea overnight. She has been hungry every 2.5-3 hours. Last night we started Reagan on the Rice Cereal and she went from 10pm to 3:30am without a peep. That is a record! Hopefully it is a trend that will continue. They both continue to get cuter by the day and are cooing and smiling lots. Check out the picture of Riley at the Dr. yesterday. Look at how red her hair is getting. I have always said that every red head woman I have ever met was insane. What am I in for?