Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Two heads are better than one.

Alot has happened this week. I will start with Andrea's Shingles. The patches on her chest and back are getting a bit better. There is a new issue though. A part of her is very painful. I don't want to say where cause it is a bit private but it rhymes with "mipple". She got through her Valtrex prescription and is on Prednisone now. Today her Dr. gave her a prescription for Lidocaine to put directly on her "mipple". It has been so painful that she has been working at home without a shirt on. I now live with a nudist. She was worried that the Lidocaine would hurt or burn so I jokingly said I would put it on my nipples to show her it did not hurt. Unfortunately for me, she took me up on my offer. I put the numbing medicine on to prove it would not hurt and she proceeded to flick my nipple repeatedly and giggle. What I won't do for love. We had an ultrasound today and all was well. The girls were very active and all measurements, heart rates, etc were good. Baby "B" did not have an echogenic bowel anymore but this is not a big deal. It is nice to see it gone but the genetic counselor and Dr's said that even if it was gone the chance for Cystic Fibrosis was still there. We did meet with the mother of Andrea's cousin that has CF and they are working on getting the specific gene mutations that may be on Andrea's side of the family. If we can get this info and the mutations he has are the ones that Andrea was tested for then we should just about be able to rule out CF. They were checking with WVU to see if the information was available. They have been very kind and helpful. We go back for another visit to the Dr. in a few weeks. For now we continue to wait for any info from WVU and try to get through the Shingles.

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