The herps have improved enough that with some pharmacological help we were able to head out for a bit of a vacation. We left da burgh Friday afternoon and went to Charleston SC via Atlanta. Our first flight we sat with an army lawyer guy. It was interesting to fly with an Army officer on September 11th. We enjoyed speaking with him and plan on hooking up with him and his family in the burgh. It was great to see the response people had to the uniform especially on 9/11. Many people thanked him and the attendant even offered to buy him a drink. He was a bigger guy so my poor pregnant wife sitting between us was very protected if there was an incident. I am fairly confident that if anyone was committed to meeting Allah and a bunch of virgins we would have made that happen with no damage to the plane or buildings on the ground. He is a lawyer in the burgh also. If anyone needs an attorney that likes attorney jokes, check him out at http://www.trautmanlaw.com/. We made it to Atlanta just in time to make our connecting flight. We sat with a closed eye quiet talker on that leg of the trip. That would be fine in most circumstances but he was the father of twins so I had lots of questions. I love asking complete strangers about breast feeding and nipple covers. We chatted with him for about 30 of the 40 minutes we were in flight. We got to Charleston alive and well. We were picked up by my father and off to the house to crash for the night. Next time I blog I will tell ya about the weekend in South Carolina. Goodnight Arlene.
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