Meet Cameron Foster, she was born early Wednesday morning to our friend Maria and our neighbor Adam. She came in at 8lbs 12 ounces and full of cuteness. I love her already and she is not even mine. I can't to see what I think about my own.
Andrea is feeling much better. The Shingles are about gone. They are a miserable ailment. I would not wish them on a liberal Democrat. Now that they are gone she is feeling pretty good for being 6 months pregnant. She is getting pretty big but only belly so far. It is making it difficult to sleep. The girls are not helping as they have started a nightly, what Andrea calls the 2-4am dance party. She has become an expert at the Nick at Night schedule on TV. No sleep is no fun but as my father says often "enjoy the process". That is what we are trying to do. The girls are very active and Andrea feels them moving alot. I can feel them now also and for the first time this week we were able to see her belly move on its own.
We have decided on first names for the girls. They are Reagan and Riley. The middle names are still under discussion. When we were at Disney last week we had shirts made with their names on them. Can't wait to see them in them.
Andrea is going to Columbus for a day to see her brother and his family and I am going to finish working on the babies room. If you are looking to get some churchin in this weekend my brother will be speaking at Northway Christian Community in Wexford Saturday at 6pm and Sunday at 9am and 11am. He had a double lung transplant last year and will be talking about what he and his family went through. Check it out if you get a chance. for further information. That's all for now. Have a great weekend.