I have another week to wait until I see if there is one or two little Jeffries in the belly. I do not know how I will be able to wait that long. How am I ever going to be able to wait until December 31st? Our neighbor Sylvia gave us a book that tells you every day what is going on with the baby. Last night we found out that jr. was only 1/50 of an inch big. I guess I am going to have to learn some patience. I am pretty sure Andrea is ready to move on already also. She is still on lots of meds from the Invitro docs. I do not know if it is all the medicine she is on or the pregnancy itself but there is one obvious side effect. Ok, how can I say this nicely? She is a bit gassy. That might be an understatement. She is real gassy. Not little cute ones either. I call them "death stinkys". I made her laugh too hard the other day and one went off. Both the dog and I left the room. For once in her life she is winning this battle. I was thinking about going to the Brighton Hot Dog Shop for a few chili cheese dogs with kraut so I had a fighting chance but why put the dog through that. I guess this too shall pass.
A little healthy competition is healthy for any couple. I for one feel that I could give Andrea a run for her money. Just take 3 laxatives and see how it goes, or blows! 1/50th of an inch. Never mind.
ReplyDelete-the new uncle
Did you learn nothing from your texting incident a few weeks ago?? Did Andrea approve this message?
ReplyDeletebtw, I'll take a raincheck on the dinner invitation. Maybe we can reschedule it for January.