We came home from SC last Saturday. While in Charleston we had a great time relaxing and spending time with family and friends. Andrea and I left the girls for a couple days with my parents and headed to Disney. We rarely get any time together alone so we had a great time. We did find that we talked about the girls about every 10 minutes and looked at pictures and videos of them all the time. We still had fun though. We were definitely ready to get back to see them. Saturday we headed back towards the Burgh. We had high hopes for the trip as they slept the entire way down the previous week. Things did not go as well as we had hoped for. We had multiple explosions of wailing and general unhappiness. It started out ok but after about 4 hours all went down hill. At one point they were sleeping but someone and by someone I do not mean myself or Andrea had a real stinky one in their pants. Andrea and I were at a serious decision point. Do we pull over and change them? If we do, they will surely wake up and scream again. Do we roll down the windows for some fresh air and a little stink relief for us? If we do that the wind noise will wake them and they will scream. Our choice was to ride in a poop filled, foul smelling, quiet car for an hour until they woke on their own. We managed to do a 10 hour trip in just over 13 hours and got home at about 10:30pm. I have heard it said that it is not the destination but the trip, not with 2 four month old girls. For us it is all about the destination. The trip may hurt a bit. While we were in SC we had 2 things happen. Both girls laughed while Grandma Gregg was tickling them and they both rolled over on their own. Reagan has regressed a bit on the rolling since then but Riley is getting to be a professional. This presents a new issue for us with her. She rolls over onto her belly and then gets stuck and this angers her greatly. She has no concerns with sharing this anger and baby rage with us. This is only exaggerated by the fact that she has started teething. The baby rage that occurs when she has acid reflux, and teething pain while being stuck on her belly flailing around like a fish out of water is so extreme that I am sure that if she was placed in a room with any captured Al-Queda member they would be giving up every known location of enemy combatants just for some peace and quiet. She may have a future with the CIA.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Monday, April 12, 2010
Plantation tour with the girls
We are in Charleston SC for a week. We came here Saturday and the girls did fantastic. They slept the whole way here. It took us 12.5 hours to get here with the stops for them but they were awesome. Sunday we went to Folly Beach and had our friends over to dinner at my parents house. It was great to see Ron and Sandy and let them meet R&R. Today we went to the Magnolia Plantation and walked throught the gardens and took a 45 minute tram ride through the property. Ron was the tour guide that you can hear in the background on this video. Tomorrow Andrea and I are leaving R&R for 2 days and heading to Disney till Thursday. We know the girls will be in good hands with Grandma and Grandpa. We have seen Jason Nat and Ky each day.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Friday, April 9, 2010
The Souldier

As most of you know my favorite brother had a double lung transplant in late 2008. He was in town this week for follow up testing and while all the results are not in yet things looked good. His lung capacity was at 90% which is fantastic. He has written a book and it is about to be released. As our family was going through the trying ordeal of watching a loved one go through such an experience many of you asked what you could do. Here is your opportunity to help. GO BUY THE BOOK! Seriously, I am not asking I am telling all of you, my friends to go to http://www.winepressbooks.com/ and search "Jason Gregg". You can preorder it now and save a few bucks. For $10 you get a great read and the chance to help a brother out, literally. Don't let me come to your house and not see it on your bookshelf. I am a large man that carries a gun. Do you really want to make me mad. Enjoy the read and you can check out his site at www.thesouldier.com.
Riley talks
The girls are doing good. They are getting over a cold and are sleeping better. Andrea still gets up once a night for someone but that is it. We are going to venture to Charleston SC tomorrow. It is normally a 10 hour trip but with R&R in tow I am guessing it will be alot longer. We will see what happens but we are going to try to make it there in one day without stopping overnight. Wish us luck. The girls have been "talking" all the time. It never gets old. Check out the video.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Thunder monsters are coming to kill you.

We are used to getting beat up overnight occasionally but last night Boo joined in the mix. As it turns out my lab BooBoo is terrified of thunder and we had a big storm roll through last night at about 4am. He was up panting, drooling and was convinced that the "thunder monster" was coming to kill him. Just when he got calmed down Reagan decided at 5am it was time to eat and then Riley at 6am. Always something new. I have been enjoying my week as I am currently unemployed until the first of May. I have been talking with a company since December and I accepted a new position with them last Weds. I met with US Foods on Thursday and was let go on Friday. That is fairly common in the food business so it did not come as a big shock. We are gonna use the time well and go to Charleston SC to see my family next week and then Andrea and I are gonna take a little trip while my parents watch the girls. Being able to spend so much time with all my girls is awesome but it makes me realise how incredible my wife is. These girls keep you busy from 7am till 10pm every day. She handles it like a pro and continue to impress me. Sorry all you other moms out there but at least for this year you have no chance at the mother of the year award. Andrea is hands down the winner.
Friday, April 2, 2010
Famous brother

As most of you know my brother had a double lung transplant at the end of 2008. He has been doing remarkably well and will be in town next week for some medical appointments. He will be interviewed on the Stacy and Hutch show on 101.5 FM Saturday morning in the 10am hour. Check it out if you get a chance. His web site is http://www.thesouldier.com/. He is also doing a walk for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation on May 15th. If you go to his blog you can get a link to donate to the cause.
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